Friday, November 26, 2010

J.A.P - jest another post ....

Let me start very arrogantly. As all the many readers of this blog know, I am a big fan of the movies. I seem to have an appetite for even those deemed 'rotten'[a genuine rating in some circles]. I happened to see the posters for an upcoming SAW film. I realise that these people mean bsuiness and are here to stay...forever. There is always going to be a way to put humans together in one room and watch them act crazy! Can't say its an original idea. I remember watching cage matches on WWF. You put a bunch of wrestlers together in a cage and its fun watching them 'spreadin' the looooove'.Forced confrontation. That happens in offices too. Not that I have the temerity to speak seeing as I am in between jobs. You will be forced to share a cubicle with the person you hate the most! You don't like the creepy thin fella who whispers into the phone a lot, cool sit next to him. That woman who can't stop showing you pictures of her baby? You're paired with her for the next assignment. The universe is sending out a very clear and concise message to us. Keep your fucking prejudices to yourself. Maybe SAW people should do that. It's not long before aliens come to earth[actually even if they take a few million years there will be a SAW movie coming out at that time]. So maybe SAW will have aliens and humans pitted against a common enemy. Oh wait AVP already did that. I saw that movie. Waitaminit! I SAW that film. Cool!